The VIII Caribbean Biodiversity Congress will be held between 29 Jan – 01 Feb 2014 in the Dominican Republic. For more than two decades, the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo along with other organizations has organized the Caribbean Biodiversity Congress keeping its regular intervals of three years since 2002.
The Department of Biology at the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo (UASD) asks biodiversity stakeholders across the globe to send abstracts for presentations at the VIII Caribbean Biodiversity Congress. The deadline for abstract submission is 30 Sep 2013.
The congress provides and excellent opportunity for scientists to meet other researchers engaged in the study of the Caribbean biodiversity. The aim of the congress is for such interactions to result in the development of new collaborative efforts among organizations and scientists of the region, as well as strengthening the existing ones.
Contact information:
VIII Caribbean Biodiversity Congress: Abstracts
[email protected]