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10.06.2014 - 12.06.2014
pro-iBiosphere Final Event in Meise (Brussels) - June 10-12, 2014

Agentschap Plententuin Meise (Botanic Garden Meise), Bouchout Castle – Meise (Brussels), Belgium


The pro-iBiosphere project supported by the European Commission (DG CONNECT) through its FP7 research funding programme has the pleasure to invite you to join its Final Event.


The project has the vision of implementing an Open Knowledge Biodiversity Management System (OBKMS), i.e. an integration platform that will allow to produce Biotas (i.e. Floras, Faunas, Mycotas and other revisionary taxonomic literature) of the future in a flexible semantically-driven online environment.

During its two year duration, pro-iBiosphere contributed to making fundamental biodiversity data digital, open and re-usable. The achievements of the project will be presented in a series of activities (Event Flyer) detailed below that will take place from Tuesday the 10th to Thursday the 12th of June 2014 at the Bouchout Castle (Botanic Garden Meise, Belgium).

Tuesday June 10 (PM)

Workshop on Model Evaluation

Wednesday June 11 (all day)

  • Poster session

Thursday June 12 (all day)

  • Networking Cocktail


For more information on the Final Event (agenda, logistics,…), visit the dedicated wiki page.

Registration is free of charge but compulsory due to room capacity constraints. You can register by filling out the online registration form at

In case you are interested in giving a presentation during the Final Event activities or in submitting a poster in the poster session, please contact us at [email protected]


Contact information:
piB Final Event organizing team

[email protected]
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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement No 312848